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American Dream Project

The American Dream Project

In the summer of 2014, Todd Williams met a crazy cat named James Marshall.

James loves America, and wanted to see more of it.  More than being a casual tourist, James wanted to ask of real Americans an important question:

What is the state of The American Dream?

Is it dead and gone as the TV talking heads would have you believe?  Or is it as alive and well in the hearts of real Americans who are free to pursue their dreams everywhere?

And James wanted to pursue his American Dream in the most American of ways, on the back of a steel horse, riding thousands of miles on a motorcycle.

Todd Williams / Indian Motorcycyles Join The American Dream Project

However, James needed a collaborator and partner in turning this American Dream Project into a reality. He found that partner in Todd Williams, an accomplished outdoor and action lifestyle photographer from Minnesota, now based in New York and Los Angeles.

Williams brought his willingness for adventure and mid-West ability to engage with anyone to The American Dream Project.

He also brought a long standing relationship with Polaris Industries, owner of Indian Motorcycles.

Due to this relationship, Williams was able to secure two Indian Motorcycles for the journey – The American Dream Project got real in the most American of ways.

Kickstarter Crowd Supports the Dream

American Dream ProjectIn August 2014, the American Dream Project launched a campaign on Kickstarter to tap an enthusiastic crowdsourced audience for funding.

They achieved their goal of raising $50,000 in a month.

By September they were off and rolling, seeing America, meeting real Americans, and working for their room and board.

Months of Riding – Eight Episodes

You can now view The American Dream Project at the following outlets:


Be sure to follow the American Dream Project on Facebook.